Who Needs Colonics?

The fact that many people are constipated without even recognizing the condition indicates that almost everyone needs colonics.  Many healers believe that most diseases begin in the colon.  Some experts report that the average person has 2 to 9 kilos of accumulated matter in their large intestine.  Although this is not a weight loss procedure, many people who complete a series of colonics report a reduction in their weight.

Colon toxicity has been reported to be the underlying cause of many of the following common health problems and may indicate the need for colonics:

Constipation Arthritis Bad breath Depression
Frequent colds Abdominal bloating Menstrual problems Prostrate trouble
Asthma Skin problems Hypertension Diarrhea
Allergies Haemorrhoids Insomnia Foul body odour
Irritability Food cravings Headaches Chronic fatigue
Backaches Abdominal distension    

If you have any of these conditions, you may benefit from a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions.  An unhealthy colon can affect all your body systems and lead to further complications such as:

Leaky Gut Syndrome:  Acidity in the body due to poor diet, improper lifestyle choices, stress and digestive disruptions causes inflammation, this can lead to tiny perforations in the bowel wall which allows toxins from the colon access into the blood stream.  These toxins can impair normal kidney, lung and liver function and have been said to be responsible for many allergic conditions.

Bowel Toxemia:   The colon is very sensitive to distension, years of built up waste material in the form of impacted faeces, accumulated toxic mucous, parasites and their by-products, worms, dead cells, bacteria and yeasts can inhibit muscular action which causes sluggishness of bowel movements, constipation, inflammation and disease.

Many of the above colon related health problems may be reduced or eliminated completely by adopting a high-fiber diet, using an appropriate intestinal cleanse and visiting your local Colon Hydrotherapist for a series of colonics

Colon therapy is not intended to be a cure-all, but is a valuable procedure for a wide variety of conditions of ill health.  Intestinal malfunctions are precursors of many illnesses.  The restoration of intestinal elimination, too often ignored, is an important preliminary course to the restoration of health. An inefficient colon is not always the cause of sickness, but it is believed to accentuate and prolong any and all diseased conditions of the human body.

- Dr. J.E.G. Waddington