What is Involved?


It is not necessary to make any changes to your diet prior to having your first colonic, although it is a good idea to eat and drink lightly for 2 hours prior to your session.  It is both interesting and empowering to be able to look at the condition of the bowel in its ‘natural’ state.  Once you have had a colonic or two, it is often the case that the owner of the colon is naturally motivated to make some important changes to their lifestyle, purely through the awareness that is gained from their colon hydrotherapy sessions.

Modern state-of-the-art colon hydrotherapy units employ muli-stage water purification systems and a lighted viewing chamber.  All tubing and speculums come in single-use disposable, sterilized packs. 

Using a small specialized rectal speculum, there is an inlet tube for warm, filtered water to gently infuse into the colon.  No chemicals or drugs are used and the entire therapy is both relaxing and effective.  Being a closed system, the waste is transported out of the body through the specialized speculum straight into the drain line without offensive odor and without compromising the dignity of the client.  After each therapy session, the colon hydrotherapy unit is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected in preparation for future use.

Your Colon Hydrotherapist will remain with you during the procedure guiding and explaining throughout.

A skilled colon hydrotherapist will use a series of gentle fills and releases of water, temperature and pressure changes to help to stimulate the bowel, combined with an abdominal massage, peristalsis is activated and toxic waste dislodged.

Properly administered colon hydrotherapy is not addictive.  It encourages the restoration of the colon’s natural function by strengthening peristalsis.

Each colon hydrotherapy session lasts approximately 1 hour.  Initially, a series of at least 2-3 separate therapy sessions is recommended to achieve maximum cleansing benefits.  This helps to dislodge mobile fecal matter, moisturize any material that has adhered to the colon wall and with each session, work at washing it away along with anything that is more impacted, resistant or ancient.  Colonics work well if the colon is well hydrated so after 2 or 3 therapy sessions in quick succession, much of the material inside the colon is well hydrated and ready for easier removal.

Colon hydrotherapy provides a proven way to cleanse your colon, increasing your chances of maintaining optimum health.  But maintaining good health is an ongoing process which requires diligence, patience and conscious awareness.  After the initial series of colonics, you may be well advised to seek colon hydrotherapy every 4, 6 or 12 months.  By doing this, it is possible to maintain the benefits achieved during your first colonic irrigation sessions as well as maintain a strong, well-functioning colon.

We understand that some people may be shy about rectal insertion, but like all things medical (prostrate exam, pap smear, swab) it’s just a few short seconds of awkwardness that is soon forgotten as you spend the majority of the time laying on your back.  A rectal digital exam and rectal insertion will take less than 10 seconds and towels are provided to maintain your modesty at all times.

In treating over 300,000 patients, it is the bowel that invariably has to be cared for first before any effective healing can take place

- Bernard Jensen D.C., Ph.D., Nutritionist, Author of Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management