Weight Loss and Colonics


It has been said that colonics help with weight loss and indeed, this may be the case for many but the reality is that there is a propensity to believe in a quick fix here in the western world.  This has been the unfortunate reason that some will eat all the wrong foods in the belief that very frequent colonics will clean them out and undo all the dietary wrongs of the day, the week or the month before.  Sadly, this is not the case, in these situations, colonics cannot prevent the inevitable weight gain that results from poor dietary choices.  Colon hydrotherapy is not an effective weight loss measure, in fact, it is often found that immediately after a colonic treatment, the client gains weight as the body has absorbed water to replace and correct the effects of long term dehydration.  Usually, urination increases for a time after the treatment and this situation rectifies itself in a short period of time.

In cases where a large amount of stagnant matter in the colon has been removed by colon irrigation treatment, of course, some weight loss will be experienced, but this is short lived if the cause of the stagnation is not addressed.  
What colon hydrotherapy has been known to do is to provide a visual and educational tool for those individuals who are on a silent and misunderstood path to dietary destruction, to turn their lives around and make the necessary changes to the choices they make that will lead to permanent weight loss, increased vitality and optimum, long term health.

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet”
Albert Einstein