Toxin Removal Through Colonics


Many experts agree that most disease begins in the colon.  If you are not having more than one bowel movement per day but eating more than one meal per day, then, by definition, you should consider yourself constipated.

Constipation is a state of the bowel in which evacuations are infrequent and difficult, or where the large intestine becomes lined with impacted, hardened faeces.  Undigested food and waste may remain lodged in the large intestine for days, weeks or even months to putrefy and produce toxic substances harmful to your health.

For some, waste may remain in the colon for longer than just months. Like the story of a man who, allergic to tomatoes, removed them from his diet.  20 years later, after eating a raw diet for 2 years, found tomato seeds in his stools.  Or the woman who, again, after eating a raw diet for a number of years, had a crippling pain in her abdomen.  This pain went on for many hours, moving as time progressed until finally, she passed a large mass in the toilet.  Upon further investigation (the hard mass was cut in half), it was discovered that the mass was, in fact, brightly colored and waxy.  She recalled having swallowed, as a young child, many crayons, some 25 years earlier!

 Colon hydrotherapy, although not necessarily able to help these two individuals (unless the debris is in the large intestine, colonics will not be an effective method of clearing it from the body.  Colonics and dietary detoxification together, as shown, was the most effective method to cleanse the whole of the digestive tract in these cases), would be a very effective method to assist the body to detoxify old, stagnant material from the inside of the colon wall while also helping the body to rid itself of toxic, harmful substances, parasites and candida.  This will generally lead to rejuvenation and maintenance of overall physical health and well-being.

A healthy colon is vital to living a life free of degenerative disease! If optimum health is your aim, Colon Hydrotherapy could be an efficient and effective method of achieving just that.