The Skin and Colonics


The skin is the largest organ of elimination, most of us these days clean it regularly.  We are acutely aware of the results of not taking care of the cleanliness of our bodies, our noses tell us fairly quickly about the state of our armpits, our groin or our feet if we don’t wash these areas within a couple of days.  Worse yet, our friends or colleagues notice sooner than that and form some fairly unsavory judgments which they may or may not keep quietly to themselves.  Yet our colon, second largest organ of elimination, the one that smells more and has to do way more work, often is never cleansed in its whole lifetime.


When the colon is struggling to function properly or there is toxic buildup on the inside of the colon wall, the intelligent physiology of us all will look for another avenue to eliminate toxins from the body.  It has a choice of the lungs, the kidneys and the skin.  If the liver is able to break the blood toxins down into a water soluble form, they can then be removed from the body (in the absence of a clean and well-functioning colon) via the lungs, in our breath, via the sweat glands or via the kidneys, in our urine.  Sometimes, the levels of toxins that need to be removed from the body are too high and acne, unpleasant body odors and smelly feet result as our physiological intelligence attempts, at all costs, to bring the body back into a state of wellness.

Colonics help by removing the stagnation in the colon thereby re-establishing the natural channels of elimination. Regular attention to the functioning of the colon through colonics, diet and correct hydration levels enables the body to rid itself of toxins through the large intestine, allowing the skin to clear along with symptoms of bad breath and unpleasant body odor.

“What you do not eliminate – you accumulate”
Robert Morse ND