The Brain and Colonics


The brain is an organ that is intricate and vast beyond our understanding.  It is fed by the oxygen we breathe, the nutrients in the food we eat and the pureness of the water we drink.  If any one of these is polluted, eventually our health and wellbeing are negatively affected.  Walking in nature often can improve the quality of the air we breathe, taking measures to reduce emissions and plant more trees can have a more long-term effect and make lasting changes that our children and their children to come will benefit from.

Improving the quality of the water we drink can be as simple as using a water filtration system but there again, improving the quality of the air we breathe and the food we choose to put into our bodies, forcing major changes to chemical contaminants in our soils, will have a more long-term effect on the quality of the water for generations to come.

Awareness of the foods we choose to eat is an important part of the road to health.  Nutrients need to be in our food in the first place, unfortunately, many foods available for general consumption are mass produced which necessitates the use of chemical control measures.  There is a resultant quantity of chemical residue in most foods which will, of course, pass through our digestive system, be absorbed into our bloodstream, pass through our overtaxed liver filtration system and end up having a spell passing through our brain, our heart and finally be lodged in our cells and tissues as the body attempts to keep the vital organs free from poisons.

Our brain doesn’t tell us day by day that it is being fried and destroyed by the chemical soup we are feeding it.  It just goes into a slow decline related to the number of years we have been present on this earth.  The National Center for Health Statistics report that there were 41.8% of residents with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in 2010 in assisted and other residential care in America. 2010 NSRCF Data Dictionary: Resident Public-Use File

Colonics can help by assisting the body to remove the toxicity and built up chemical residue over time but unfortunately, unless the choice is made to eat healthy, fresh organic produce and use organic skin care treatments, colonics alone are unable to remove all chemicals from the body permanently.

“One autopsy revealed a colon to be 9 inches in diameter with a passage through it no larger than a pencil! The rest was caked up layer upon layer of encrusted fecal material. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It’s that hard and black. Another autopsy revealed a stagnant colon to weigh in at an incredible 40 pounds”!
Bernard Jensen D.C., Ph.D., Nutritionist, Author