The Blood and Colonics

The colon is an area of high absorption, water, electrolytes and nutrients are absorbed in the final stages of digestion as the colon performs the function of dehydrator and compactor forming stools in preparation for elimination.  When your colon is sluggish and movement through the digestive system is slow, toxic residue can form on the inside of the colon wall.  Because of the absorptive nature of the large intestine, these toxins can then be absorbed into the bloodstream.  Dirty blood is not conducive to optimum health as the body, realizing the need to protect the vital organs, will attempt to remove the toxicity by placing it in cells and adipose (fat) tissue for storage.  Over time, these areas, unable to cleanse themselves, may be more susceptible to various cell mutations.  Added to that, if parasites have managed to find their way into the blood stream and the immune system has failed to ‘mop’ them up, they happily feed on our blood cells excreting substances that are further adding to the toxicity in the body.

Colon Hydrotherapy clears the colon of waste which offers a ‘clean’ space for the blood to dump its toxins via the liver.  Provided the colon remains clear, the process of ‘toxic dumping’ will continue and in time, as the blood becomes cleaner, the cells and tissues will start to dump their stored toxins into the blood stream for removal from the body.  The key to this whole process of detoxification is a clean and well-functioning colon.

“Colon therapy is a restorative, relaxing experience that is both pleasant and effective.  Most people report relief of problems after the very first treatment.  Vitality and energy levels are restored.  Colon therapy has an antiseptic and solvent action on the intestines whereby putrefactive material, impacted fecal matter, excess mucous, and even pus and infected tissue are removed from the colon.  This leaves a cleaner, healthier colon, which means a healthier body”.

Stanley Weinberger – Author of Healing Within The Complete Guide To Colon Health