Other Forms of Colon Cleansing



When talking about colon cleansing, we often find that, as part of a detox, herbs are taken either in the form of herbal teas or in capsule form, that encourage the cleaning of the colon through an action similar to laxatives in that they stimulate (or irritate) the bowel wall.  The very action of detoxifying the body is generally thought of as a form of a colon cleanse.  The danger here, as with pharmaceutical laxatives, these herbs, when consumed regularly for a time, can become addictive to the colon in that the colon will not function properly without them.

When you consume more fibrous foods as part of a detox or healthier lifestyle, eating more fresh fruit, raw salads and vegetables, you increase the fibrous bulk in the colon which can also assist in colon cleansing.

Enemas are another method of cleaning the colon but they are not as effective as a colonic.  One colonic can be the equivalent of 13 enemas, or the equivalent to having 20-30 regular bowel movements.  Eliminations during subsequent sessions can be more substantial as older, hardened, impacted faeces are dislodged from the colon walls.  The enema generally manages to clear the bottom part of the colon, the Rectum and sometimes, a little of the Sigmoid Colon.  Over the counter suppositories and laxatives stimulate expulsion of the contents of the rectum but contribute to dehydration which may exacerbate the condition of constipation.

Colon Hydrotherapy has the ability to clear the whole colon in one session – Rectum, Sigmoid Colon, Descending Colon, Transverse Colon, Ascending Colon and Caecum.  An enema requires the recipient to hold water in the colon until being able to get to the toilet to release.  With the closed system colonics, water flows into the colon and waste gently flows out assisted by the body’s natural peristaltic action.  This peristalsis is further activated by techniques used by the Colon Hydrotherapist including massaging your abdomen.