Long Term Benefits of Colonic Irrigation or Colon Hydrotherapy


Our digestive system is a closed tube, we feed the top end with food which makes its way down the tube assisted by peristalsis (wavelike muscular activity).  As it travels, it is mixed with various acids, enzymes, digestive juices and bacteria which all enable it to be broken down into a form where fats, moisture and nutrients can be extracted from it.  What remains is pushed through the bottom end of the tube at a time of our own choosing, at least once every day.

Unfortunately, due to misunderstanding, improper marketing, unacceptable processing practices and food addictions, many of us unwittingly feed the top end of our digestive tube inappropriately.  The material we happily put into our bodies often carries unhappy side effects once subjected to the digestive process.  Often we find the food that tasted so good to our taste buds ends up being a sticky, toxic mess when it arrives in our large intestine.  Over time, this difficult to digest and difficult to move using peristaltic action, ‘toxic mess’, activates the body’s natural attempt to defend itself from toxicity – mucous.  A build up results leaving a thick residue on the inside of the colon wall which prevents the body from absorbing nutrients.  Added to this, the build-up which we call mucoid plaque, being highly toxic and the colon, being highly absorbent, result in toxins being reabsorbed back into the blood stream where all body systems are affected especially the liver.

The liver becomes overtaxed, unable to effectively perform the function of filtering the blood correctly, the blood stream becomes dirtier, the cells are affected, our body no longer vibrates with the high energy and vitality we hold in our minds to be the state we wish to function in or the state we remember ourselves to have been in when we were young.

Colon Hydrotherapy or Colonic Irrigation, over time, will help the body to remove the stagnation in the colon, creating a clean space for the liver to dump the byproducts of blood filtration to be removed.  As this process continues and if the colon remains clean, the toxins in the blood will clear.  As the blood stream clears of its toxins, the cells will begin to dump their rubbish into the blood stream for the liver to filter out and dump into the digestive system, which is now functioning more efficiently.

Constipation and intestinal stasis is the one thing where more money is made in the doctor’s office than any other complaint.  It is most universal and directly responsible for about 90% of human ailments today.

- Bernard Jensen D.C., Ph.D., Nutritionist, Author