Immediate Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy, Colonics or Colonic Irrigation


A healthy, strong functioning colon is essential to maintaining your health.  Your colon, together with the lungs, kidneys and skin are responsible for removing wastes from the body.  Over time, however, your colon may lose its ability to properly eliminate all waste from the gastrointestinal tract due to a combination of improper food combining, poor diet, drug usage and lifestyle.

If this happens, the colon may become overburdened with harmful toxins and autointoxication may occur.  Autointoxication is the process whereby toxic substances from the bowel can be transported into the blood stream where the circulatory system, the lymphatic system, the kidneys and the lungs are affected exposing you to some potentially serious health risks.

It is believed that Colonics were originally designed to hydrate the large intestine but it is now being perceived by many to have far wider benefits. Colon Hydrotherapy positively affects many existing conditions such as constipation, bloating, relief from some IBS symptoms, improving the condition and appearance of the skin, relief from bad breath and diarrhea.  Colon hydrotherapy helps us to learn more about our body, it can raise energy levels and help us gain more control over our eating habits.

Advantages often perceived by individuals include – the prevention against some degenerative diseases, helping to manage food, alcohol and cigarette cravings, helping with the release of emotional baggage, helping to manage some food intolerances, as an aid in detoxification programs, improving sleeping habits, helping to reduce stress, anxiety and uncertainty and helping to increase confidence.

Colonic irrigation can be beneficial in helping to restore health by:

  • Restoring proper PH balance to the body
  • Allowing increased nutrient absorption into the blood stream
  • Increasing prevention of toxic absorption via healthy mucosa
  • Promoting a return of normal, regular bowel movements
  • Stimulating the immune system
  • Providing a favorable internal environment for digestive bacteria
  • Restoring bowel function by removing old, hardened waste materials and harmful toxins that are sitting in the colon.

Many Australians, who suffer a multitude of health problems, may never even consider that the cause of their problems is a sluggish and toxic colon.  Traditional treatment of health conditions, disease symptoms and disease management with the use of pharmaceuticals and surgery is prevalent but this may completely obscure the root cause of recurring health problems.

The colon is the most neglected and forgotten part of the body.  Colon health emphasizes prevention rather than cure.  It is the most important step in maintaining or regaining vital health.

- Norman W. Walker, D.Sc.