Energy Levels and Colonics


There is a reason that many of the fathers of medicine believed that most disease begins in the colon.  Much energy is used by the body in its attempt to maintain homeostasis.

If the colon is full of toxic sluggishness, the blood is affected, the lymphatic system is affected, as are the liver, kidneys and lungs.  In fact, most of the body’s systems are affected in one way or another.  Imagine if you will, a scenario where the rubbish collection system of our community was interrupted for a time.  Add to that, the visual of there being no wheelie bins for us to deposit our rubbish in.  The only place to leave our rubbish for eventual collection is on our driveway, in the sun, the rain, and the wind.  Within a matter of days, that rubbish would begin to smell with a vengeance that belied sanity, bugs, flies and all manner of vermin would take up residence in the putrid mess.  The heat of the day would cause a stench cloud that the wind would carry to your nostrils no matter where on your property you tried to hide.  Now imagine that this is what is happening inside your body if your colon is struggling to eliminate effectively and efficiently.

As the colon is such an absorptive organ, this purification does not remain within the walls of the digestive system alone, it migrates into the blood stream where it is carried throughout the whole of the body.  The liver struggles to keep up with its filtration processes and falls behind regardless of how much energy it uses.  Its other basic functions are not performed efficiently including conversion of glycogen to glucose for energy which is where we find that we notice the condition the most.

But the situation is very dire as this is only one of over 500 of the liver’s functions, many of which are falling behind, leaving the body in a state of disharmony that requires intervention in the form of dietary changes, colonics, hydration and a level of persistence on this new path that gives the body time to repair.

Colonics help in many ways, as the body rids itself of the weight (physically, figuratively and emotionally) of a sluggish, poorly functioning colon, the client often reports feelings of lightness, revived energy, improved sleep, a feeling of cleanness and renewed vigor.  Emotionally they feel lighter, clearer in their thought patterns and enjoy the ability to concentrate and remain focused where before they could only feel sluggishness.  As putrefied matter is removed from the body and the colon is retrained to function correctly, all the body systems benefit from the burden of toxicity being lifted.

In the 50 years I’ve spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people’s health problems”.
Bernard Jensen D.C., Ph.D., Nutritionist, Author