The Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment

The Colonic Irrigation equipment we use is built in Germany.  Water passing through it is filtered, temperature controlled, sterilised, pre-warmed.  It has a self-cleaning program that is used between clients and features numerous dials that allow the Colon Hydrotherapist to vary the procedure greatly depending on the individual needs of each client.  In an ‘Open Colonic’ system, there is no variation in the procedure which does not suit everybody.  For example, if there is a large blockage in the colon, the pressure may need to be adjusted to avoid distending the bowel causing discomfort, possible cramping and perhaps damaging the bowel wall.

The Hydrotherapy equipment is disinfected between sessions, the tubing, speculum, gloves and table coverings are all disposable and medical grade disinfectant is used to wipe all surfaces between every session.

80% of righting your health comes from 20% of your efforts.  This is an application of Pareto’s principle, or the 80/20 rule