Colon Hydrotherapy Aftercare


After your colonic, it is advisable that you refrain from rich, spicy foods and alcohol for at least 24 hours.

Some water is absorbed through the bowel wall during your colonic, it is therefore normal for you to experience an increased need to urinate for a few hours afterwards.  This beneficial effect of flushing the kidneys can be enhanced by drinking a few glasses of water with the juice of half a lemon added to each glass.

As the colon has been cleared of solid matter, it may take one to four days to fill up again and normal bowel movements to resume.

On occasion, it is possible to feel a slight headache or fatigue after your first or second colonic.  If this is the case for you, it is advisable that you book another colonic as soon as possible within 2-3 days.  In the immediate short term, rest and a large glass or two of water will help.

In some cases, a little bloating may be experienced as gasses make their way to the exit.  Again, rest will help, a hot water bottle may make a difference and warm peppermint tea usually calms away the discomfort.

In very rare cases, the tiredness can persist for a few days as the body continues to detoxify itself.  In these cases, it is highly recommended to have another colonic to accelerate the cleansing process.

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